I think one of my most commonly used phrases is " I shouldn't moan because people have it worse" I'm not saying it to be a hero I genuinely do feel bad because it could be worse. I like to count my blessings and I like to be positive. But I was thinking today maybe I'm a bit to liberal with those words. Whilst no one likes to be all doom and gloom by saying that do I make someone else feel like their problems don't matter? Everyone has problems and actually sometimes you can feel bad. Whether it be you hate your work or you can't lose weight or your csr failed it's mot. And you know what? Be sad or pissed off or stressed out if you want to. By no means let it rule your life but spend that time feeling sad then work out how you want to change it.

 I feel sad today. I don't even know why probably steroid mood swings but I do. I feel blue and moody and a bit like "what's the point". It's Mother's Day and I have an incredible family. I am so lucky but this evening after I've packed them off to bed I just feel a little bit sad. I felt so guilty. But then I thought hey, I haven't showed them this I haven't done anything that would lead them to think I'm not happy. So maybe rather than fight it I can lay on my bed and just be. I will probably feel so much better after. Or I might even understand it if I just let the eb and flow.

I actually feel much better just because I'm not fighting it.
So while I love a sunny positive person I would say to everyone you know what? Sometimes it's ok not to be happy, even if your life is pretty great, things will still get on top of you.

I realise writing this I haven't actually blogged for a while, and I have all sorts going on. So I will endeavour to update soon. (I'm fully aware not many people actually read this but it's not really for that)

Callie xx


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