Bed rest babble

So the snow mentioned in the previous post did not amount to much more that making the ground feel as though you were walking through a slush puppy. which meant no snow days for the kids, they were most put out.
However my chest has been having a fit ever since. Hurting, Crackling and wheezing and it's barely being helped by the nebs.So I went to the Dr to get some antibiotics as that is literally all the GP can do these days I need anymore I have to be admitted to hospital. I don't know how many of you reading have stayed on a resp ward but they are the most unfun of places. Actually hospital wards in general are pretty unhappy places to be. Nothing against the NHS they do a cracking job, but they are difficult to sleep in due to other sick people needing attention in the night (which no one can help) plus many nurses/HCA's  need to wake you at 6am to get through their to do list and if you've only been asleep a couple of hours it can make you literally cry. My heart rate is always so high after all the meds I need in an admission its hard to relax and I wind up really stressing myself out. However the worst part is not being about for the kids. they hate it as do I. So I will always do my best to ensure I don't go in.
Anyway I was tachycardic but not as bad as I can be which showed I was working hard but my O2 was 95 and I wasn't confused from to much Co2 so the hard work was paying off.There was crackles everywhere so I got antibiotics. I also needed my dose of amitryptiline increased, usually I use it for sleep but my chest muscles are very unhappy about how hard they work. I do not want to increase my opiates unless its really necessary so we are trying it out for its use as a muscle relaxant. Get them muscles to chill out. so far I'm definitely sleepy.
Bed rest with the odd walk as much as I can was ordered (I used to think ooohhh bed rest for a day how nice now I'm like "nooooooooo" )
I have done as I am told though because being stubborn gets me no where and actually I feel like poop so my body is happy to snuggle down.
However I did have to delay my bed rest and go for an eye apt about a growth in my eye. He said "its almost certainly benign so that should put your mind at rest" well yes but I hadn't actually ever thought it was anything but, eye cancer didn't even cross my mind. So it does have to removed because its impacting my vision however that wont be for a couple of months. I look forward to the debate about how my body will cope under general anaesthetic
So yeah that was my exciting week medically. Bed rest has been a bummer because I feel bad for not being able to do my mum jobs but we are learning to adapt so I do still help out much as I can.
personally; It was my adorable nieces 5th birthday which I managed to make her a crazy cake. My husband and I joined slimming world to see if I can shift some steroid weight before the 4 weddings we have this year. I'm unsure how well it will work but I will keep you informed. (Husband has DEFINITELY lost already though yes I am jealous). I also wrote the most Horrific piece of rubbish for an assignment in about 24 hours. So look forward to those marks NAAT.

I have an apt with a research nurse tomorrow to start the ball rolling on a medical trial. So once I have been to that I will give more details.

Have a great day

Callie xxx


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