Lets get started

So, I have considered starting a blog for ages, not that I consider myself overly interesting or that I have an important message to get out there but I like writing and thought hey, why not. If you are reading this and don't know me then I will find the about me part that I am sure in on here but it took me like an hour to set up this far.

So briefly, I'm Callie. thirtyandabit, Mum, wife, open uni English Lit student and severe/brittle asthmatic. (yes the Wheeze part of the title kind of makes sense now) I imagine the blog will mainly be about my experiences of the above but I like to try and bake cakes and stuff so sometimes it might include the odd success or disaster story.

My children are 11 and 8, I was 19 when I became a mum. Way earlier than planned. This has had its fair share of challenges especially as i have never really looked my age however mainly now it just allows me to embarrass my daughter because her friends, friends parents and teachers all think I am a) cool, b) her older sister  or  c) her cooler older sister. My boy whose 8 is still in the phase children have where they love their parents more than anyone in the world before they become embarrassing ancient beings. He is a little day dreamy and not always on this planet. In short to me they are amazing, infuriating, an adventure, sent to test my roid rage to the max, funny, ridiculous, a splash of light, stressful, the reason I get up but also the reason some days I want to hide under my duvet. However I could never be with out them.

I met my husband about 10 and a half years ago (yes if you do the math he is not the girls real father however she is extremely lucky in that her step parents on both sides have never been anything but like a parent to her without actually trying to replace her parents. I think that being the 11 year old drama queen she is, she would rather have a really tragic story about having wicked step parents but the kid lucked out there) we married in 2013 in a ceremony that despite it being October was filled with sunflowers and every bit as crazy as a wedding for two people with giant families could be. I'm not going to gush to you about him but I will say we have our fair share of stupid stuff. We find our way mainly pulling in a similar direction. I've often been tempted to slam his stupid head through a wall but despite being on a high dose of steroids for most of the marriage and much of the time before that the fact I haven't done must mean something. In my current situation I know I couldn't physically cope without him and he has been every bit a man and really stepped for me and the kids goes way beyond the call of duty. and I cant thank him enough.

I am currently attempting to get a degree in English Literature and Creative writing. Its a trying time particularly when I'm feeling ill. I don't always get the marks i want but somehow I am scraping by and passing and so long as that continues I will be happy.Ive met some crazy kind hearted people through the course and they are very good at cheering each other along via whatsap and facebook.What am I planning to do with this degree? hmm good question. Originally it was to become a teacher. but since my health has lost me my much adored job in education I am not sure what I will do. In an ideal world I'd improve my health jump back into spending my days trying to teach teenagers who resent me for trying to teach them about SPaG and be happy. If this doesn't happen hopefully it will help me with something to do with reading or writing. If not well, I have it and I can be proud knowing Ive achieved it.

So yes the wheeze. I've been asthmatic since I was 16, for years it would flare up but mainly it was put in its place or required a bit of med adjustment. however since the great family swine flu event of 09 its got worse and worse till we got the diagnosis of severe/ brittle asthma in Oct 2015. Its not how many people think where occasionally you need a puff or 2 of an inhaler. I take 4 inhalers, 2 types of nebulisers and many tablets daily. Of the top of my head i think its like 8 medicines in tablet form. The worst by far of these is the steroids. I have been on 25-40mg of oral steroids a day as well as the inhalers having steroids in them. Weight gain, moon face, mood swings, insomnia, anxiety are just a few of the side effects I get from these drugs. I hate them. I think I hate them more because despite being on these high doses so I get such a whammy of side effects but I still wheeze, have life threatening attacks and regularly cant walk far without struggling for breath. I now see a consultant from my local hospital and i also see a team in Portsmouth. Recently I had to have tests done to prove I actually do take them. my consultant claims 1% of people are on the doses I am on and still have the levels of inflammation the airways like I do. So great to be special.

There will be more as this blog continues on all the info here I am sure. I will go more into Asthma because as I'm writing i realise there isn't a lot out there to help someone like me or help their loved ones understand and if it can help one person understand something or not feel alone then my blog will have a point.

I feel this is a good point to stop. I don't want to bore people anymore than I already have, but also I actually have an assignment for uni I should be finishing.
I will work on finding the about me part of this blog and from now on I hope posts will be interesting instead of a brief description.

Till then, take care.

Lots of love



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