
So today it SNOWED! I flipping love snow and it hasn't snowed properly for a couple of years here. However in the general excitement I forgot to factor in just how much my lungs HATE temperature change. So they were pretty mad A) the temp dropped in general and B) I dared to get out my fairly warm car into the icy air. Cue tight chest, loud wheeze and feeling generally ratty in the 10 steps it takes to get to my front door from the car. Going in to the warm house out of the cold air was also apparently not good enough for the divas as they got louder in protest. so I left my lucky husband in charge of the evening routine for the crazy excited children (who were already planning how to spend the snow day they seem to think they will be getting.) Came upstairs for a neb. and watching dinner date (with the subtitles on as I cant actually hear it over the machine)

I hate doing this. It seems quite idealistic leaving the husband to make dinner and sit in my room on my neb. But actually most of the time it feels crappy. That's my role. I generally always got in from work before him as I worked closer to home in the old day so I dealt with the crazy and he washed up (this is a very good deal for me as I am a messy cook). It is a relief to get upstairs (a challenge in its self I will admit) especially if I'm feeling a bit disorientated from the lack of air and they are high on life (or its instrument practise time) but it just upsets me now. Its just one more thing I have to miss out on. One more thing when they look back on their childhood they will think "oh mum wasn't about".

So the neb has settled it, but soon as I move or have a conversation I get wheezy. Also more and more recently, it hurts my chest. like the muscles in the back of the chest and the bottom ribs are just fed up. They don't wanna work that hard anymore. I cant take anti immflamatories and paracetamol doesnt really help so I have to deal unless I don't have to drive. Then I can take cocodamol which a t least takes the edge of so I can bare it enough to breathe my inhalers down deep enough. Also my heart rate is like 130 just sitting here typing.

So this post is a bit whiny, and I don't like that. However,  it does show that illness creeps in and effects all parts of the day. Whether you want it to or not. It gets tricky. At what point are you wallowing and at what point are you just listening to your body?

 Whichever it is I know I'm tired, not just a bit sleepy but that kind of tired when it feels like its in your bones. I don't have the energy to push through it this evening. So I'm going to wallow once I've ensured showers and reading has been completed. Hopefully it will settle my chest down or I will have to go to see the dr tmw (part of the condition of having a home neb is I see a dr if I need to use it more than every 4 hours). The plus side to my wallowing in bed watching TV is my husband will be super happy with uninterrupted PS4 time.

So swings and roundabouts. Pretty sure I have some left over Christmas chocolate in the house somewhere. I start slimming world Monday so might as well remove all the temptation.



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