
Showing posts from January, 2017

Missing out on life

Today I was going to take the kids and my niece to Shrek world (or land whatever the name is) in London. Instead I am in bed. This happens a lot but it doesn't make it any easier. I am lucky I have very understanding family and friends. (or ones that keep their annoyance quiet) My kids are very good about putting it off to another day, however I constantly worry they will grow up resenting me. Plus every time I have to cancel or let them go without me is another memory I am missing out on. I'm a big believer in experiencing whatever you can whenever you can, I often like to try and give memories instead of gifts (so like take them somewhere or do something unusual) so you can imagine how I hate this. Its been a non starter of a week anyway. I missed my weigh in on Monday and my brothers birthday and looking after my nephew because the boy came down with a pretty violent sick bug. miraculously none of us caught it from him but it was pretty gross. I had a dodgy chest all week ...

Bed rest babble

So the snow mentioned in the previous post did not amount to much more that making the ground feel as though you were walking through a slush puppy. which meant no snow days for the kids, they were most put out. However my chest has been having a fit ever since. Hurting, Crackling and wheezing and it's barely being helped by the nebs.So I went to the Dr to get some antibiotics as that is literally all the GP can do these days I need anymore I have to be admitted to hospital. I don't know how many of you reading have stayed on a resp ward but they are the most unfun of places. Actually hospital wards in general are pretty unhappy places to be. Nothing against the NHS they do a cracking job, but they are difficult to sleep in due to other sick people needing attention in the night (which no one can help) plus many nurses/HCA's  need to wake you at 6am to get through their to do list and if you've only been asleep a couple of hours it can make you literally cry. My heart...


So today it SNOWED! I flipping love snow and it hasn't snowed properly for a couple of years here. However in the general excitement I forgot to factor in just how much my lungs HATE temperature change. So they were pretty mad A) the temp dropped in general and B) I dared to get out my fairly warm car into the icy air. Cue tight chest, loud wheeze and feeling generally ratty in the 10 steps it takes to get to my front door from the car. Going in to the warm house out of the cold air was also apparently not good enough for the divas as they got louder in protest. so I left my lucky husband in charge of the evening routine for the crazy excited children (who were already planning how to spend the snow day they seem to think they will be getting.) Came upstairs for a neb. and watching dinner date (with the subtitles on as I cant actually hear it over the machine) I hate doing this. It seems quite idealistic leaving the husband to make dinner and sit in my room on my neb. But actuall...
 forgot to put the photos in my last  post didnt I? They aren't my best artisitic photos but; me on an nebuliser.                                                                                       Example of my inhalers and Nebules.

Dont you just cough and take an inhaler?

If I had a pound for every time I was asked this, well, I'd have a lot of pounds. Asthma is a illness that varies greatly. Some people get flare ups when exposed to a specific allergen (common ones being dust, pollen, nuts and so on), some people get flare ups when dealing with viruses such as colds, flu etc (if you are offered a flu jab get it believe me), some when they exercise. A lot of people see their GP and their local asthma nurse and it may take sometime but they find a combination of drugs that that works for them. This is a broad subject and there are lots of other varying degrees of asthma and treatments I could talk to you about all day. However I think we would all be a little info overload. Mine gets quite complex. Its understandable why people don't get it, but it can also be a little crushing that people think you're making a big thing about nothing. Hopefully reading this can help people understand just a little so if they know someone in this kind of...

Lets get started

So, I have considered starting a blog for ages, not that I consider myself overly interesting or that I have an important message to get out there but I like writing and thought hey, why not. If you are reading this and don't know me then I will find the about me part that I am sure in on here but it took me like an hour to set up this far. So briefly, I'm Callie. thirtyandabit, Mum, wife, open uni English Lit student and severe/brittle asthmatic. (yes the Wheeze part of the title kind of makes sense now) I imagine the blog will mainly be about my experiences of the above but I like to try and bake cakes and stuff so sometimes it might include the odd success or disaster story. My children are 11 and 8, I was 19 when I became a mum. Way earlier than planned. This has had its fair share of challenges especially as i have never really looked my age however mainly now it just allows me to embarrass my daughter because her friends, friends parents and teachers all think I am a)...