
To the polls... (again!!) How do we choose when they all seem like numpties?

I wanted to write a quick thing about the vote we are all going to have to once again do on December 12th! I am way more into politics as I get older.. maybe its my age? maybe its because ultimately I rely on politicians to eat and not die way more than before? Because my kids are closer and closer to being out in the world and I want them to be happy? I actually think its a mixture of all these reasons in addition to the fact that I should be in to them. I see it as like reality TV. Except we all have to live with the end result not just tweet our opinion and then see their faces everywhere for the next year promoting whatever. I actually have no real die hard opinion on who I should vote for. No offence to Boris, I don't know him he might be very interesting. But he comes across as kind of a turnip in a blue tie and so obsessed with Brexit he probably calls it out in his sleep (or when doing other stuff in bed). He seems a little naive and dangerous to have so much power. Like...
Today I want to write something about weight. Specifically how I’ve dealt with it being a young(ish) woman/mum/ on high doses of steroids. I’ve often spoken about it throughout my blogs of blabbering away on here but over the last few months I’ve had a bit of a roller coaster. (In my head, not literally).  One of the most commonly known side effects of steroids is weight gain. Probably because it’s actually one of the side effects that the most people suffer with and one of the most obvious when you look at someone (aside from that beautiful moon face). But it’s probably a little to do with our, by our I just mean societies, obsession with weight and looks and all that.  I don’t mean that harshly but, as a 33 year old female, I don’t think there’s been a day  since I was about 10 that I haven’t worried about my figure/weight/looks. Not just because I’m over weight. When I was slim it was because I didn’t want to not be slim anymore, in fact I was probably more stress...


Its been a while again, basically I thought I had somehow locked myself out and nothing I tried helped me find the account. Rather hilariously I suddenly realised I was using the wrong email address the whole time. (I know right?) Anyway I am currently waiting for my masters course to start so thought I would take the opportunity to update the blog (which i basically write for myself currently.  First of I got my degree. I now officially have a Upper Second Class Honours in Arts and Humanities- English Lit Pathway. My graduation ceremony is next month! Eeeek!! Since having my daughter at 19 I kind of wrote off me ever having a degree. Even though I had always wanted one. (weird I know, I just felt like it was what I was meant to do) Just goes to show never write yourself off. Even while I was doing the degree I didnt truly believe I'd actually do it! People knock the Open University but in all honesty I will always be grateful they gave me the opportunity to study. I studied ev...

Time to get back to it.

So its been like maybe a year and a half since I wrote anything on here. (I should have just looked at the date of the last one before I started writing but wheres the fun in that)I don't really know why I stopped. Uni was pretty stressful, whenever I was writing I felt like it wasn't right unless I was writing for that.  Then over the summer the heatwave was not ,my friend and I had a chest infection that just kept coming back. Then I was back doing uni. However last week I handed my last EMA in!! Yay! So hopefully I pass both modules and I have finished my degree. Although I am already going crazy waiting to see if I passed. I wont find out until July 23rd so its going to be a fun few weeks.  So last year in no particular order (will just write them as I remember):  I got the best present in the world in the form of a Sausage dog called Sausage. He is an absolute nut job, but I love him so much. My sister got married in an incredible Harry Potter wedding. I was ver...


Its been a while since I blogged, there are a few reasons for this; Mepolizumab absolutely kicked my ass, I felt terrible when I was on it. I went backwards physically and mentally. It was stopped in December but uni has also been kicking my ass. This blog became a lot more about me being ill than I really intended. This is partly because my life largely revolves around it, partly because I kind of wanted to talk about it and partly because I think I got a bit carried away with it. I began to feel like one of those chronic illness bloggers that make their illness who they are. While its a massive part of my life, its not all I am. So I needed to step back and rethink where I intend to go with this.  Lastly because my last blog got like 10 views and this is just for me, no one really cares but me and I didn't want to blog.  So this is where I am. so lets update. Uni is hard. but I'm kind of just about getting there. Mother hood, Likewise. but more on that later. Healt...

Life just gets in the way

Life gets in the way  Doesn't it just? So I haven't blogged for a while, mainly because summer has been a whirlwind, so I've either been busy or unable to coherently write a sentence due to being a bit zombie like.  So I had my mepolizumab, I can't recall exactly where I left with it on here but it was delayed by a week so I had my first one on the 20th July (so remembered as it's the girls birthday which meant she was very resentful of me and my thunder stealing 😆 )  By the end of that day I felt, I don't know just a bit of a mess. Then the day after I felt fairly fluey, however the day after that was the kids show with their stageschool which requires me to run back and forth a fair bit. Man alive did I feel like a piece of poop. And I really didn't think I would feel that bad so it blindsided me a bit. I sat in my car after dropping them off one of the times and just cried. It sounds dramatic but I didn't feel like I even had the energy to t...

Just realised..

It may have been apparent to some/all that attempt to read this that i have no idea how to use this gosh darn site. and sometimes I post from my phone sometimes from my laptop (never the ap because it randomly closes on me). Anyway I just realised the colour theme I chose you couldnt always read my posts rather destroys the point of a blog :-D hopefully its fixed now! xx