To the polls... (again!!) How do we choose when they all seem like numpties?
I wanted to write a quick thing about the vote we are all going to have to once again do on December 12th! I am way more into politics as I get older.. maybe its my age? maybe its because ultimately I rely on politicians to eat and not die way more than before? Because my kids are closer and closer to being out in the world and I want them to be happy? I actually think its a mixture of all these reasons in addition to the fact that I should be in to them. I see it as like reality TV. Except we all have to live with the end result not just tweet our opinion and then see their faces everywhere for the next year promoting whatever. I actually have no real die hard opinion on who I should vote for. No offence to Boris, I don't know him he might be very interesting. But he comes across as kind of a turnip in a blue tie and so obsessed with Brexit he probably calls it out in his sleep (or when doing other stuff in bed). He seems a little naive and dangerous to have so much power. Like...